Thursday, December 17, 2009

Want to Stop Being Sexy, Become a Mom


A lot of experts say the best thing parents can give their children is a healthy, happy home with the love of two parents. So why is it that a lot of couples have a hard time keeping it together after the children come along?

Some suggest that when women have children their relationship with their spouse/significant takes a backseat to raising children; they place motherhood over wifeyhood. And a lot of men will tell you that their woman no longer makes herself sexy, preferring sweatpants and jeans to high heels and lingerie.

Don’t get me wrong, I love being a mom. But, I also love being a wife. I don’t place any more importance on one than the other. But, as Dr. Phil often tells couples wrestling with whether their child or spouse should come first, “Your children joined your life, you didn’t join theirs.” So couples have to acknowledge that the key to a healthy family is to make sure they have healthy relationships with each other, and not let their children be their sole focus.

As the mom of three boys (one who is a newborn), I recently got to thinking about the importance of nurturing the needs of my husband as much as the needs of my sons. That’s when I came across this wonderful book, Stilettos in the Kitchen. No, it’s not a get-your-groove-on type of book. It’s a really good book about how women can maintain their inner goddess while still being moms and career women. If you’re a mom who has lost touch with her inner sexy, but want to bring it back, then check this book out! I loved it. And I think you will too.

My grandmother once told me that women marry men they want to change, yet men marry women they don’t want to change! I didn’t marry my husband to change him, and that’s ditto for him. Still, there’s no denying that we have changed as we have evolved into our roles as parents. But just as many things have changed, there are some things that shouldn’t, and that’s our commitment to give our best to each other so we can give the same to our children.

What do you think? Do you think women place more emphasis on being moms than wives?

Go HERE to learn more about the book Stilettos in the Kitchen.

About our SingleMomNoMore ContributorKimberley Crouch is the author of Mother to Son: Words of Wisdom, Inspiration, and Hope for Today's Young African-American Men. To read more about Kim's mother wit, click HERE.